Here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Wow this is going to be very hard for me to do...seven things about me? I am boring so lets see how many people I put to sleep lol....Here I go :]
1. I was born crossed eyed and had to have 3 or 4 surgeries to fix my eyes...yes they are still cross eyed but not as bad, you can only tell when I look a certain way or if I am tired...so STOP staring at me trying to figure it out or not lol
2. When I was little I was made fun of a lot...I had to wear classes and was funny looking, but I always wanted to be the popular girl in school (never was!)..and in 6th grade I had to get braces, so I was called four eyes and brace face and oh cant forget "train tracks"..
3. I have two sisters and one brother...me and my brother are ten years apart, my little sister and I are 12 years apart and my older sister is like a couple years older then me....sadly my family is very dysfunctional...I do not talk to my older sister at all, and I don't plan on talking to her anytime soon, she caused a lot of drama and I don't want anything to do with her..my younger siblings I barley see, which is sad and I want to start seeing them more soon (well see how that goes)
4. My love for pit bulls comes from my boyfriend Gabriel...When we started dating we got a pit bull named Sprocket (he is named after a gun not tools lol) but learning about pits I saw how much they are hated and used for dog fighting..it broke my heart...how could anyone use or hate this dog in such an evil way. They are the most loving, caring, amazingist dogs out there..So now I want to save all the pit bulls out there and give them better homes! Because I love my pit bull so much and I believe all pit bulls should be loved. and also my pit bull is like me, different and loving!
5.I played soccer from the age of 5 all the way to my 9th grade...I injured my hip badly playing flag football in school that basically ended my soccer career...It hurt so bad playing sometimes I just wanted to lay down on the field and cry...I still have a lot of problems with my hip, and have a feeling I am gonna need surgery when I am older.
6. If you don't know this already, I am probably the shiest person you will ever meet...I get so nervous I make my self sick sometimes! I hate it! :( I cant do anything to make it go away...My hands start to shake and It makes everything I have to do even harder..I hate this about me!
7. SOOO my most embarrassing thing about me...I don't shower everyday...I know Gross! But I cant help it, my mom never made me shower every night, so my skin got so use to it that if I take a shower ever night I get so dried out and itchy that it hurts...so I shower every 3 days...and I have gone longer than that! Its totally gross but thats not really that bad because I don't stink lol
And the Awards Go To: (okay I don't know a lot of new bloggers so heres what I have looked at) :)
1.JoeyTheGirl. This is an amazing Mom that I have meet through support group, she blogs about her story and also her life..she also Vlogs :]
2.Granting Hope Ministries .Granting Hope Ministries organization distributes Baskets of Remembrance to local hospitals in the hope that they will bring encouragement to these families.
3.My Forever Child...My Forever Child has amazing jewelry and keepsake things for bereaved families
4.Names on The Sidewalk...Tiffany is an amazing woman that writes angels names on the sidewalk with chalk.
5.Living Life with the Terians....its a families blog about their lifes and there loss.
6.everything daisies..They help raise money for babies born to soon.
7.Beauty Will Rise...This the Abernathy Blog about trying to adopt a baby girl..
okay thats all I know :] this was harder then I thought it would be...
But I am honored that Joey picked me out of all the blogs out there
Thank you again Joey! :]
Awesome, Amanda! I love it! Thanks for putting me up there!